Thank You

I’d like to propose a toast to our intrepid friends who braved the Cross-Bronx Expressway and two dozen toll booths to be with us here this evening. May your buildings go condo…

Charles Deetz, Beetlejuice

Thank you everyone for coming & sharing our special day.

Many of our friends and family made the trip up the state or across the country, and we are so happy y’all could make it. It was so much fun, hope y’all enjoyed it.

The official pics from the wedding are available here. The photographer Noelle Williams and her assistant Liz Erban did a wonderful job.

The viewer is organized by tags. Tags and descriptions are read-only for now. The viewer is somewhat of a work in progress. It may not be entirely obvious how it works, but it shouldn’t be hard to figure out.

We’d love to hear comments, you can comment here or contact us in a wide variety of ways.

Noelle also shot our engagement pics, which we will also post here (soon). There are lots of pics on facebook and instagram, we’ll try and collect as many as we can and put them up here as well.

We flew to Oahu on New Year’s for the honeymoon. It was so much fun, thank you to everybody who chipped in. We have lots of pictures of our trip we should share here as well!

Once again, thank you all for coming, we couldn’t’ve done it without you.

Much Love,
